Plant | Water | Grow: Shame in not Sharing the Gospel?

3.11.2015 |

Grab a hot cup of your favoritest coffee, put on your biblical lenses, and lets dig into this together.  A few weeks ago, I felt as small as a piece of dust.  No really, I felt disrespected and so unloved.  I felt shamed and guilty for not doing something apparently I should have been doing and thought I was doing: sharing the gospel.

I think there is this thinking that if you aren't always sharing the gospel with someone then God won't love you.  That notion can not be farther from the truth.

The Lord has given us different gifts and talents, and therefore, we use them accordingly.  

I have a very outgoing personality in a small setting, but put me in a room full of 20 people who I don't know, and I clam up like an oyster.  I am frightened easily and hate conflict with bold personalities. My gift is encouraging and leading, with a humongo emphasis on encouraging.

As a Christ-follower, yes, our job is to share the gospel with those around us; but to be angry at the Church because the Church isn't sharing the gospel and to be angry at Christ-followers and to refuse to engage with Christ-followers because you don't SEE them sharing the gospel on a daily basis is wrong.  

As a Christ-follower, yes, your job is to be a part of the Church, to serve the Church.  You exist to serve the Church, the Bride of Christ, the Church is not an ends to serve you.

As I was sharing these sentiments with my mother-in-law, she looked at me and passionately said these comforting words:
"You should not feel guilty if you don't get to share the complete gospel presentation every day when you are living a consistent life in a world of unbelief and confusion."
I thought about those words and couldn't agree more.  What is weird is to see someone who says they are a Christ-follower, and then actually see them loving others the way Christ would and obeying the commands that Christ commands of them.  That is so challenging in today's world, because so many people cozy up in "cultural Christianity."  When other people see the obvious consistency in the Christ-follower's life, and the consistent decline of worldly activities, that's when you make an impact on an unbelieving world.

My mother-in-law passionately continued on:
"The Holy Spirit is in you, it is your gift from God to do whatever he has for you.  For me, I am on the phone all day with my lost peers.  I can't be constantly presenting the Gospel while being required to get work done, so I rest in knowledge and the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in me that as I listen to them and as I respond to their conversation as we share our life, like, "how was your day? how was your day..." I can share how God is working or I say I am praying for that and to God be the glory.  I do not know how my words are playing out and how the Holy Spirit is multiplying that in their life."  
I love the verse 1 Corinthians 3:6 which says,
"I planted, Apollos waters, but God gave the growth."
So should I be sharing the gospel and take those opportunities when they present, ABSOLUTELY! but should I be shamed and feel guilty when I am not sharing? Never.

I am in no way justifying not sharing the gospel or shying away from opportunities to share the gospel: both of those are sins and we need to boldly take those opportunities.  The great commission is the last command given to us by Jesus.  That IS our purpose in life, but it is also our purpose that we live a consistent life.  You might be the waterer, you might be the planter.

What I am trying to say, is that if you are living a sacrificial life, by daily taking up your cross, dying to yourself, and following Christ, you should not shame yourself or allow anyone else to shame you for not sharing the gospel.  Your life and the way you live it, speak volumes to an unbelieving world.

Take the opportunities to share the gospel, build one another up in love, live a life worthy of your calling.

1 Thessalonians 5:11-14
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up just as you are doing.  We ask you brothers to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work.  Be at peace among yourselves.  and we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all."
Ephesians 4:1-3
I therefore a prisoner for the Lord urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."

I would love to hear your insight and feedback.  
Have you ever been shamed or made to feel guilty for not sharing the gospel?  
Have you ever shied away from opportunities? (I have)