Narrow is the Trail of the Christian Life

6.11.2022 |

The trail of the Christian life, certainly is narrow—and so is the one we’re literally on. We grabbed our trail map and set out; ensured of our safe arrival Home if we stayed the course.

Strenuous. Treacherous. Tranquil. Serene. Breathtaking. Uncomfortable. Adventurous. And still a lot of Fun.

This is the Christian life.

Our trail map for our walk in this world—“God’s word tells us where to go and what to do.”

But how are we certain we are on the path? Look Up. The trailmarker is there, a kindness of the Ranger. Open the map and see the well-beaten road by the sojourners who’ve travelled before us.

We’re not alone in this wood,or this Christian life, older and wiser pilgrims continuing to clear the course warning of ivy and cliffs and snakes; of heresy and slothfulness and the love of comfort.

“Back from the edge.”
“You’re veering off course.”
“You’ll get lost in the forest.”
“Hikers have died by stepping off the trail.”
“Stay with the group and don’t go alone.”
“Turn when you get to the trail marker.”
“This is the path that will lead you back.”

Oh the blessed joy of men and women who have gone before us, for children whose own caution reminds us to be more watchful ourselves, for the ones who don’t leave us alone on the path.

Oh praise our great Trailmaker, all glory alone to Jesus.

Cloudland Canyon State Park, GA (West Rim Loop Trail)

Cloudland Canyon State Park, GA (Cherokee Falls)

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