Testimonies are powerful. It is the story of death to life. We were dead in our sin, but God being rich in his mercy made us alive together with Christ (Ephesians 2). You can't get deader than dead, and without Christ, you are dead.
50 words is not a lot. It's enough to start a small conversation. Important details and essential words. You can share 50 words in the signature line of your email, 50 words can spark a conversation with your barista as she makes your beverage, 50 words is detailed but short enough to utter in casual passing at work. Where can you share your 50 words?
Our testimonies, our selves, are living and breathing works of art created new in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17-21) and it is our mission to share Christ's love with the world (Matthew 28:19-21).
Renee Young
author of this blog: Mulling Over My Morning Coffee
This is where I post about biblical truths through metaphors and analogies, relatable and transparent struggles, and advice through the lenses of the bible. I write over too much coffee and filled journal pages. I desire to build community, meet new people and call them friends, listen to struggles, encourage those around me, and shine the overwhelmingly bright Light of Jesus Christ in the darkness.
Striving to be the best: running, academics, looks, popularity, boys. Cultural “christian” living as if God didn’t exist at all. Pushing far past lines I ever thought I would go. Broken. Jesus called me out of darkness. Adopted me as a child, he chose me. Fulfilled. Striving to serve Him.
Here are 7 ladies I absolutely adore. They each have an incredible and unique story of once being without the love of Christ and now having a transformed heart that bears his image.

1. Terrence from Girl Repurposed
After growing up in the country-side of Philadelphia, Terrence Hebel is currently living in the Dallas, TX desert where her husband is a student at Dallas Theological Seminary. Terrence blogs about how God is taking her life and completely repurposing it to make it even more beautiful than she ever could have hoped for or imagined…complete big dreams and a beautiful daughter, Eliana Grace.
I looked for love in the wrong places. Which made me a girl who I hated. Then I met Him. I still hate the disgusting sin I've done, but now I have someone who knows everything but still tells me how much He loves me constantly. I found love: Jesus.
2. Cassie Lee from Sage
Bloglovin | Twitter | Instagram
Hello, friends. I am so excited to be here with you all today. A huge thanks to Renee for having me. If you don't know me already, my name is Cassie and I blog over at Sage. I'm an atheist turned Jesus-loving gal that is married to the man of her dreams. We currently call the Midwest home, but our hearts are back on the West Coast where we were both born and raised. My testimony is dirty and rough around the edges, but I know you won't hold that against me.
Before Jesus I was an atheist; one that wasn't afraid to get in your face and tell you your God was a made up character & your religion a hypocrisy. My heart was cold, my soul broken. Now, I am chosen; given grace that's not a result of my doing.
3. Kelly from Southern Komfort Blog
Kelly is a God-fearing, sweet tea drinking, Southern woman trying to figure out this crazy thing we call life.
Typical young "Christian" void of substance. An overwhelming broken spirit due to my own failed attempts to do this life on my own. Realization that I can't do it alone and redeemed by my wonderful Savior. Continuously sanctified day in and day out. God is always good.
4. Victoria from Through * For * By
Victoria blogs over at Through * For * By where she hopes that her readers will find something that will brighten their day, encourage their soul, and give them a reason to praise God. Feel free to e-mail her at victoria.mjfh@gmail.com she would love to hear from you!
Jesus Christ has: Died. Cleared my debt. Changed my ways. Made me new.Jesus Christ is: Alive. My hope. My Savior. My peace.Jesus Christ declares: Life. His Father’s glory. His Father’s faithfulness. His Father’s grace.Through Him. For His glory. By the grace granted in Him. Faith is kept.
5. Amber from Wildbloom
I was raised in church, but the Gospel didn’t become real to me until my early twenties. After years of chasing temporary fills and fleeting forms of love, I surrendered my life to Jesus. in Him, I found wild, life-changing, furious, True Love. He is my portion and my salvation.
Hi, I'm Rebekah Elaine! As the creator and author of Wholly Beloved, my mission is to inspire people to live a healthy & fulfilled life, knowing that they are wholly loved, fully capable, and created for a purpose. There has never been a better time to become your best you & love every step along the way. I'm with you all the way!
My life then, un-surrendered to Christ. I searched for validation in the world until I became tired of running. I returned to my home in Christ & learned what true Love was. Guilty, ashamed, and broken became rescued, redeemed, and His beloved. My life now, devoted to pursuing my savior.
Shame. Fear. Unworthy. All this and more defined me before I accepted and understood Christ’s love for me. Sin is still a part of me, but it is no longer who I am. I am His. I am loved. I am REDEEMED. I am overwhelmed and incredibly thankful.
What is your 50-word testimony?
How do you plan on using this snippet to engage with people around you?
How will you use your testimony to reach out to others who are currently walking in your former footsteps?
I'd love to hear your thoughts, your testimony, and how you go about sharing your story.