Even if...

2.03.2023 |

I feel at such a loss
And like no one understands
A hidden, silent suffering
At the will of two small hands.

I sit in the hallway crying
Tears pouring without word
—if only the sights you could have seen
Or the roars you could have heard.

Helpless to even help him
As he flails without control—
All I can do is sob
And provide a mother’s hold

“What have I done that he would be
So different from the rest?”
Holding fast to promises
That this is for my best.

Give me strength O Lord above
To manage one so strong
I know you’re here with me
Even when the days are long.

Explosions come from nowhere
Sprawled out upon the ground
Fist against the floor in rage
For minutes without bound

“He’s darling,” “Not a problem”
“He’s happy as can be”
But why is that not my time
When he’s at home with me?

I know that Christ is working
In the moments I’m so weak
It’s just that in the here and now
The outcome seems so bleak


Christ is strong when I am not
Each trial from his hand
And if no one comprehends I know
That Christ fully understands.

He’s made each one with intent design
For purpose I don’t know,
But He is faithful in each step,
No matter where I go.

O Lord my strength, please heal this boy
And give me eyes to see
That even if this pain lasts long
Like this forever it won’t be.

I love my son, You love him more
A tender Father in all you bring,
If this pain can help me trust
Then bring on all the things.

There’s joy in suffering You say,
Who hung upon the cross
So make me more like you my King
Even if this is what it costs.

(i originally wrote and posted on IG and Facebook january 19, updating and posting on blog february 3)

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