audrey: my sister

12.06.2014 |

meet my sister: audrey.

the name "audrey" means [noble strength].  i think that is such a neat way to describe her, for in christ she is an heir of God and has strength in all circumstances in christ.  

audrey surrendered her life to christ a few months ago.  as jesus does when you encounter the true, living God, audrey has been completely transformed.  i wanted to introduce her on my blog, because she has decided to start one of her own.  she blogs over at trembling before the king.  she is just learning the workings of the blogosphere but feels that the blog will be a good way for her to document her walk with christ and is easier to keep up with than traditional journaling.   please do make her feel welcomed!

audrey is my best friend and life-long sidekick.  rarely a day passes that we don't talk on the phone.  i have seen her at her best and also at her worst.  when you grow up with someone who is only 17 months to the day younger than you, that happens.  fortunately, our love for each other as sisters is not contingent on who we are or what we do.  

my sister is an encouragement to me, and her passion and zeal for the Lord is contagious.  her fire for the Lord reminds me that we have a mission here on earth as christ-followers.  it reminds me that our time is limited and that loving people is supreme in our day. 

audrey is a one of a kind daughter of the king, and i encourage you to read her story of redeeming love here

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