My rose bush keeps eliciting more lessons each morning. A second bloom has finally opened up. Such beauty. Additionally, there are 2 more buds grown since the last time I counted—that’s a total of 13 buds, a potential for 13 flowers. The color is so rich, so vibrant. A color I can’t seem to recall on any wild rose.
But is this an appropriate response? Only days ago was I elated about finally, after 5 laborious years, having any buds at all, let alone flowers! How could I go from delighted to discouraged in a matter of minutes?
There is nothing inherently better about the roses across the street. Both are roses. Both are bushes doing what they are intended to do. Both are beautiful. Both have a pleasing aroma. Both are producing.
The truth is that my rose has two flowers, and many more to blossom. That’s more beauty to behold than we have ever seen in this yard. That’s a cause for celebration. My rose bush must produce 1 blossom before it can produce 100.
So hear this sisters...
We can look at the Rose Bush across the street, with contentment—we have roses!, and with encouragement to grow more in discipline, to continue pruning what doesn’t produce, to fertilize with the truth of God’s word, and to look more fully into the warmth of the Son. We can gaze and appreciate other's beauty without diminishing the loveliness in what God has done in our thorny, rose bush of hearts.
So gaze on. Look at the Roses beyond, and in a way, we can see what we are supposed to look like, what the Gardener will produce in the days to come.